Friday, March 11, 2011

This is pathetic--protest of a 6 yr old girl!

It was all over the news last night. A group of parents protesting. Protesting a little 6 year old little girl. A little girl who has a severe life threatening peanut allergy. One that effects only 2% of the population.

But why would a group of parents be protesting a baby? I am saying baby because when it comes to her health condition, she is. She is only 6. She is not old enough to read labels correctly or have the maturity to understand the true severity of her medical condition. She is not able to keep herself safe.

Not familiar with food allergies? I completely understand, either was I before that Easter when Hannah had her first reaction. Watch this short educational video from FAAN so you can comprehend the severity of this condition for yourself.

So why are they protesting you ask again? Because the doctor says in order to keep the girl safe, the kids must wash their hands/swish and spit water after each time they eat is one reason. What on earth is wrong with washing hands after eating? That would actually even cut down on sharing germs as well. And while I have never heard of swish/spit before--I can see how that would benefit as this age group is still very touchy/feely and kissing a friend on the cheek is not a big deal.

Another reason why they are protesting is that they are upset that they can't bring in outside sweets for parties. Which is kinda curious to me because the little girl's mom made "safe" treats for the whole 1st grade class so they could have them at valentines day party. The other parents didn't have to do anything. Yet they are protesting because their kids are not able to enjoy their school life(ie parties) because of this little girl.

One of my online food allergy friends lives in Florida and belongs to the same food allergy group as the mom who's little girl is being protested. Libby normally does not share what goes on in her local group but the little girl's mom gave her permission to write about it since its all over the news. (a huge thanks to Libby for the use of her blog link/picture.)

Please take the time to read the family's side of this nonsense here at Libby's blog. These parents protesting are making up lies about the little girl and how her condition effects their kids.

One protesting parent said "We are all about keeping this little girl safe BUT we have to keep our kids safe too"

HUH? From what? Safe from handwashing? Safe from no-sweets in classroom? Safe from the food-allergy kid?

Here is a copy(courtey of Libby) of the papers that the protesters are handing out. Remember use your common sense while reading this.

I just keep telling myself that these parents need education. That being said, some people refuse to educate themselves on such matters. I can't image what this little girl is feeling or how the parents are feeling as well. My thoughts and prayers are with them.

Wish there is something we could do to help....

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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