Tuesday, April 13, 2010

how making calzones gave me a great idea!

It all started out innocently thanks to my friend Jess (zookeeperjess) who gave me a yummy homemade calzone recipe. I let Hannah do a majority of the prepwork. She had a ball smearing the pizza sauce all over the dough, putting the cheese on(one shred at a time lol) and covering it all in pepperoni. After it baked, we ate them like they were going out of style. Then she told me "These are my new favorite AND the neat thing was I made them" That got me thinking....

Usually when someone has an allergic reaction, it happens in a restaurant or at someone's house(who doesnt quite understand the allergy)..what if I try to instill a love of cooking in Hannah. She might be less likely to go out and eat because she will prefer to do it herself. Now I realize that she will still go out to eat, but enjoying/loving to create her own "safe" dishes will certainly be helpful in her lifetime. Especially if we learn to make recipes "safe" that she might not be able to eat otherwise. 

If you know me at all, you might be giggling a bit. While I can cook, I am still fairly new at the game. But I am willing to learn more and if the calzones are any indication, it could be fun :)

We prepared corn on the cob and pasta salad this evening and she thought shucking corn was the best time ever :) At this point, there are limits on how she can help but its a great start for sure!

Friday, April 2, 2010

Have a Happy Easter!

Its really hard to believe Easter is nearly here! I finally have stuff for Hannah's basket--just need to put it all together.

Also, I rechecked all the expiration dates on her Epi Pens this week. We keep 2 pens with Hannah at all times. One reason is in case the first one misfires/doesn't work for some reason and another reason is that one single dose of epinephrine may not be enough for her anapylaxis.

I also added some benadryl to her "emergency pack". The cool kind(read:easy) of benadryl that comes in a pre filled spoon! Its called Children's Benadryl Perfect Measure. See their website below for specifics.


Obviously since its prefilled, you will need to check with your allergist or physician about the dosing before adding it to your kit.  IF you are able to use it--it makes things a lot simpler AND less messy. Much easier than carrying around a full bottle plus syringe for administering.

Holidays that seem to revolve around candy/chocolate(it seems like they ALL do now) are always stressful to me. I just tell myself to take a deep breath and try to enjoy the holiday. I hope everyone has a safe and happy Easter!

Hannah's First Easter--she was totally done with the picture taking at that point :)

This pic still cracks me up--that "mom you better be done taking pictures" look on her face!